TRR 305 – Educational Program

The TRR 305 aims to train translational scientists through a structured and interdisciplinary educational program complementing the educational program of the site-specific graduate schools (Regensburg: RiGeL, BioMediGS; ChemPharm; Erlangen: Life@FAU; Hannover: HBRS).
The educational program focuses on basic and translational aspects of metastasis research, but also incorporates topics and technologies from the entire field of modern biomedical research through collaboration with the local graduate schools. A successful PhD in this highly relevant and innovative research area of life sciences is ensured by individual supervision and close mentoring of the young scientists.
The goals of the TRR 305 training program are:
- transfer of scientific expertise in the field of cancer research and oncology;
- development of a state of the art methodological and technical repertoire;
- promotion of scientific networks and collaborations;
- stimulation of interest in translational issues.
We achieve these goals by:
- Mentoring of each PhD student by 3 project leaders (PIs) of the TRR 305;
- Methods internship: methods/technology-oriented training and education in other TRR 305 laboratories or in laboratories of other leading experts, as appropriate;
- "Meet the expert" - the heart of our program:
- Leading experts in the field discuss their recent publications with TRR 305 PhD students. This event is reserved exclusively for PhD students to promote intensive interaction and to allow the greatest possible contact between PhD students and guest speakers.
- PhD students have the opportunity to discuss career aspects with the guest speaker during lunch.
- Annual Retreat:
- present your project to all TRR 305 members and get feedback from our metastasis-experts
- be inspired by our research consortium specifically focusing on metastasis
- get to know your peers
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Naschberger (Elisabeth.Naschberger@) and PD Dr. Melanie Werner-Klein ( uk-erlangen.demelanie.werner-klein@)
Wencke Wallusch (wencke.wallusch@) and Martina Ellerbeck ( fau.deMartina.Ellerbeck@)